Planning Services

Luster National, Inc. provides a full range of project planning and management services. Services include the management and coordination of all aspects of the project and the project team on behalf of the owner, including planning, design, permitting, entitlements, bidding, construction, equipping/furnishing, commissioning, and activation. Effective planning ensures projects are executed smoothly, within budget, on schedule, and consistent with the plans and the desires of the owner.

These services commence in the early stages of project consideration and continue throughout the course of the project. During project inception, it is critical that the scope is complete and based on strategic and business plans. Cost expectations must be realistic, the schedule achievable, and a range of options must be analyzed and considered.

Strategic Planning Services & Business Planning Services

During the early stages of project inception, Luster serves as a guide for the owner, ensuring that strategic and business planning occurs before facility-specific planning begins. We ensure the planning process is structured and managed, and input is provided on strategic facility options, including site evaluations, community considerations, environmental issues, and preliminary budgets/schedules.

Project Strategy Development

Luster partners with the owner and consultants to develop the specific project scope, schedule, and budget to address the outcome of the Strategic and Business Planning. The project must be sufficiently defined to allow preliminary governance approval, verification of financial viability, and confirmation of satisfactory strategic and business objectives. The project delivery options are then evaluated and the planned approach is selected.

Facility Planning

Luster organizes and manages the planning and programming phases of the projects, ensuring they are consistent with the strategic and business plans, based on contemporary, sound operational principles, and provide for future flexibility. This includes managing the process and the consultants to develop site master plans, preliminary design concepts and block plans, as well as functional and space programs.

MEP Installation Planning

Luster provides project execution planning for the installation of mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems. This ensures that shut-downs, cutovers, and start-ups are safely and efficiently conducted and coordinated with the ongoing operations of the facility, that participants are briefed and scheduled and potential problems and contingencies are assessed.

Project Team Formation & Management

Luster establishes the appropriate project management plan, organization/structure, and identifies team members, including outside consultants and internal staff. The appropriate timing and approach to acquiring outside consultants, consistent with the Project Strategy, is also determined.

Activation Planning

Luster develops and integrates the activation activities into the overall program/project schedule and works with the owner and/or other consultants to ensure the necessary plan and resources are in place to prepare for and activate the new facility. This includes commissioning, operations planning, staffing, training, stocking, move planning, and licensure. The activation activities are treated as an important phase of the project, essential to the overall project.

FF&E Procurement Planning

Luster plans for and integrates the planning, acquisition, and delivery/installation activities for furniture, furnishings, and equipment in the overall project schedule. Luster also manages the execution of the plan through the consultant and/or staff team to ensure the plan is executed on time and in coordination with the other elements of the project.